2019 by Darryl Goyetche. All rights reserved
The Maritime Exodus
For generations there have been strong family connections linking Cape Breton and the
Maritimes in Canada with the U.S. and, in particular, the “Boston States”.
In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the Maritime Provinces experienced an out-migration
that was strongly motivated by economic factors. Although relatively prosperous in the 1850s
and 60s, the regional economy was severely disrupted in succeeding decades. The economic
dislocation which characterized these years (1860-1900) in much of the Maritimes provided the
overriding motives for a significant exodus.
Thousands of Maritimers moved to the United States, with most destined for Massachusetts. It
has been estimated that over 260,000 people left the region between 1871 and 1901. The out-
migration of more than a quarter of a million, when the population was only 894,000 in 1901,
was indicative of a substantial outward movement. Nova Scotia genealogists estimate that today
there are nearly 4 million descendants of these Maritimers who live in the United States and
around the world.
Among a number of Goyetche
families that migrated to the
Boston area was that of Louis
(Joyce) Goyetche (1846 – 1941),
his wife Marie and their
children, including daughter
Marie Marthe Goyetche, who
left Cape Auget, Nova Scotia at
the turn of the last century for
Newton, Massachusetts. Marie
Marthe married Henry Valentine
Pond and eventually settled in
Galveston, Texas. This is Marie
Marthe’s story as told by her
granddaughter Wanda Cuniff.
What I know of Marie's life is
cobbled together from things
her daughter, my Aunt Marie,
told me as well as remembrances of my own,
and the genealogy information on the
Goyetche Family website, for which I am very
She was born October 17, 1887 in Arichat,
Nova Scotia. I presume her father was a
fisherman. He was Louis (Joyce) Goyetche
and her mother was Marie Landry. They had
13 children and Marie was their 7th child.
Two baby boys died before she was born and
she had four older sisters. At least 3 other
siblings died in infancy or early childhood.
She was christened in the Catholic Church in
Arichat, where her parents were married. I
remember her telling me she was frightened
of the nuns in their black habits and that she
left school after 8th grade.
The family emigrated to the Boston area
around 1900, as the family tree shows the
first child born in
the U.S. was Francis
Joyce Goyetche,
born in January
1901. He died in
August of that year.
She told me that
they lived in
Newton (a suburb
of Boston) and she worked at the Waltham
Watch Factory. Possibly other members of
the family did as well.
At some point she met my grandfather,
Henry Valentine Pond. He was born in
Auburndale, MA, ten miles from Newton. His
father, George Frederic Pond, Jr. (born 1864)
was in the real estate business in Boston.
George Frederic married Eliza Linthwaite
Turner. Henry was their only child.
They had a summer home on Cape Cod and I
imagine that Henry's upbringing was
privileged and very different from Marie's.
Henry's parents were Episcopalian, well
established and looked down on Marie, the
poor French Canadian Catholic factory
worker. They did not approve of the marriage
and it may be that Henry and Marie eloped.
Henry had a gift for mechanics, loved boats
and had an adventurous spirit. Although
later in life he was very devoted to his
mother, actually living with her until she died,
he and Marie decided to follow their hearts
and escape the disapproval of his family.
They booked passage on a ship to Galveston,
Texas where Henry had obtained
employment as a chauffeur and mechanic
for the Laskers, a well to do family. I believe
this was in 1908 or 09. Soon he acquired his
own boats and began a barge company,
moving produce from the mainland across
the bay to Galveston Island.
Later, he and another man had a company
that delivered oil for furnaces. He served
during World War I in the
infantry in Europe and in World
War II as a civilian tugboat pilot.
My cousin Fred believes Henry
also was on the Texas border
during the time of the Mexican
Expedition against Pancho Villa,
and the army needed
mechanics to put guns on
vehicles in that Expedition. That
would have been prior to his
deployment to service in World
War I.
My grandmother Marie had
three children. They included
Marie Valentine born in August
1910; George Frederic II born in
April 1912; and my mother
Dorothy Linthwaite born in February 1920, all
at St. Mary's Hospital in Galveston, run by the
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. They
were christened in Trinity Episcopal Church
and all confirmed there and all remained
Episcopalians. Marie
devoted herself to
childrearing, sewing,
keeping house, and
enjoyed an active
social life.
I can only speculate
that my grandfather
was a charming,
intelligent and
adventurous man, ambitious and a good
provider. By 1928 their eldest daughter,
Marie Valentine, was a student at The
University of Texas in Austin, enjoying
sorority life. No
doubt my
Marie was
enjoying comfort
and social status
in Galveston, a city
of banking,
shipping, and a
population of many ethnic groups. It was
booming and they were members of the
Galveston Artillery Club, so evidently were
doing well.
However, by 1930 Marie's world crumbled.
Henry fell in love with his secretary, Anne
Gertrude Burt, and by
September 1931 they
had a child together.
Marie and Henry
divorced, plunging her
into economic distress,
along with my mother
Dorothy. Marie was
deeply hurt and back
then divorce was a
scandal. Their
daughter Marie was
forced to come home
from the University
after only 2 years, and go to work as a
secretary for a prominent department store
owner in order to support her mother and
young sister. George, too, gave up his
education to join the Merchant Marines and
help support the family.
My proud grandmother often did not have
enough to eat during those depression years,
but my mother Dorothy said she always had
nice dresses and hair ribbons, so that no one
would guess their dire straights.
Henry and Anne moved to Arkansas and at
some point ran at hotel in Harrison. His
mother, Eliza, came to live with them in her
latter years. Before the divorce, while Marie,
George and Dorothy were growing up in
Galveston, they took the Mallory Line ships
to Cape Cod for summer vacations. Eliza and
Marie must have reconciled enough that she
was able to have a relationship with her
grandchildren, but I don't think Eliza and
Marie were ever close. I have letters written
between Eliza and her granddaughter Marie
Valentine, whom she called Val, and there
seemed to be genuine affection between
By the 1940's, Marie's life had settled down.
She rented a modest home, where she lived
with her eldest daughter Marie. Both were
active in the Red Cross as volunteers during
World War II. Son George was on the Atlantic
in Merchant Marine ships during the war but
escaped injury. He and Dorothy both married
in the early 1940's but Marie was single all
her life and supported herself and her
mother Marie.
I was born in 1949 and my grandmother
Marie was a great help to my mother as long
as she lived, until 1962 when Marie died of
cancer. My sister, 2
1/2 years younger,
and I spent many
weekends and much
of the summer in
Galveston at her
home. She took
wonderful care of us
and kept the house
for her and daughter
Marie, who became a
successful business woman, a buyer of
women's clothing for an exclusive Galveston
department store. Grandmother Marie loved
my sister and me and our two cousins, sons
of her son George. We all wish she had lived
longer than her 75 years.
She returned to New England every two
years, flying on prop planes as she disliked
jets, in order to visit sisters and nieces and
nephews in Massachusetts and New
Hampshire. She never spoke of Henry, nor
did my Aunt Marie or my mother. I did not
know that he had five more children with
Anne while in Arkansas until Marie Valentine
died in 1989. Eventually, Henry's marriage
with Anne became strained, and that is when
Henry brought his aged mother Eliza to live
with them. She died in 1949 or 50. I never
met Eliza or Henry and Anne, or any of my
mother's half siblings.
I have many photo albums
my Aunt Marie and my
mother Dorothy kept as
children, of their trips to the
Cape Cod summer home at
Harwich Pines and of happy
days in Galveston before
World War I. My
grandmother Marie was
beautiful, vivacious, vain and
a good mother to all her
children and a dear
grandmother to her grandchildren.
She liked to write poems and had a lovely
handwriting style. She liked to smoke
cigarettes to show off her pretty hands and
nails. She had a gentleman caller in her 60's
that I remember took her dancing and out
for dinners, an Italian man named Londo. He
brought Italian nougats and sweets that I
loved, and those candy boxes made great
treasure boxes. She loved to travel to Mexico
and New England and out west when she
could. She had that beautiful white Goyetche
hair, which she wore pinned up with silver
Mexican combs.
Marie died in June 1962 in Galveston, Texas at
the age of 74. Her granddaughter Wanda and
husband Troy Cuniff live in Nacogdoches, Texas.
Marie’s Story - From Cape Breton to Texas